Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Alzheimer's Care Greensboro: Helping Your Family Cope

By Joanne Pizzuto
Alzheimer's Care Greensboro and Senior care and elder care in the Greensboro and Burlington area often bring on extra stress when Alzheimer's or dementia are involved. Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating condition with which millions of people must cope. But the families of seniors who have this illness are also impacted by the disease, which can be difficult for many people to understand. Alzheimer’s affects the personality, judgment, and memory of seniors, creating situations in which they may believe they are living 20 years in the past, or they may not recognize their loved ones. The dementia care professionals at Always Best Care of Alamance, serving Alamance and Guilford counties, as well as the communities of Burlington, Southern Greensboro, Jamestown, High Point, and Roxboro, know that Alzheimer’s disease is very difficult for caregivers and other family members to accept. These senior care professionals have offered the following tips to help you and your family cope with this illness.

Teach Family Members about the Disease
Understanding why your loved one is acting in a certain way is key in recognizing the impact that Alzheimer’s has on an individual. For instance, this disease can cause rapid mood swings and can even change the personality of a senior. When family members are faced with such alterations in their loved one, it is important that they understand that the disease has caused this change and that, if their senior is acting angry or mean, they are not doing so on purpose.

Encourage Family Members to Make the Most of the Time They Have
Because Alzheimer’s disease is progressive, it gets worse over time. As soon as your family is aware that the illness is present, it is important to spend as much time as possible with your elderly loved one. This will allow family members to create memories with their senior before their loved one’s condition progresses to the point that they do not remember the people who matter the most to them.

Explore Treatment Options
One of the most devastating aspects of watching a family member suffer from Alzheimer’s disease is feeling helpless. With no cure, the condition gets worse until seniors pass. But there are ways in which doctors can treat the disease and, if it is diagnosed quickly enough, even slow its progression. Understanding the treatment options available to your senior will allow your family to choose the care plan that best matches your loved one’s wishes.

The dementia care professionals at Always Best Care know that taking care of a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease is emotionally difficult. But with these tips, you can help your family better understand the illness and get the most out of the time they have with their loved one.

Visit our video page where you can find senior care videos that may help in the decisions you are facing.

Our Resources page may also provide needed information.

We at Always Best Care are attuned to your needs and equipped with the knowledge and experience to  make the transition to elderly care easier on you.  It is not an easy decision to make, so we have put together an E-booklet filled with tips, advice, and general information so that you are well informed.  If you decide to contact us to assist you care for your senior, we will discuss your needs and capabilities so that the change in their life is handled delicately.  Joanne Pizutto, the owner of Always Best Care, awaits your phone call or email, whether it is today or farther down the road.

Call today (336) 512-6744

By Joanne Pizzuto


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